Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Impossible requests

The other issue outsourcers often face is that they just agree to anything their clueless client requests, THEN start to insist in online forums that they be given solutions to impossible demands. Like these:

Question How can I send email to 100000 persons?


A website with hundreds of thousands of user-Suppose,

how can I send a mail to website's users duration 1 hour

what's the solution?


Problem in Displaying Huge data

Hi all,

I am trying to display 77000 records from Oracle Database to .NET DataGrid. So it is not displaying and getting Application Server Error.

Using OLEDB i did. Is there any way for solving this problem



Simply, I just want to create a folder browser dialog in asp.net.

Well, let me explain it. A customer order a list of picture to be printed. I want to use something like folder browser dialog to chose a folder and then search if these picture exist in this folder. Then I'll copy all these picture into a new folder (called Printed_Picture). Picture in Printed_Picture folder will be printed.

<input type="file" /> control is used to choose a file not a folder.


How to create and delete an appointment in outlook using asp.net

I am looking for code wherein I can create and delete an appointment from asp.net code


Hi All!!

I want to create exe file of Asp.Net C# web project so that i can deploy it on any computer. Please guide me how can i do that?and what will be the requirements to deploy it on other computer having no asp.net?

Please guide me!!


i m using mozilla fire fox n looking for a full path of posted file from fileUpload control of asp

string filepath= fileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName;
filepath only holds the file name.. no path...............
helpp plzzzzzzzzzz

( as IE gives the full path, people who ask this, invariably have found that their code works fine when the server and client are the same machine, and are writing server side code that needs to access the client side files by path using the file system )


Dialog Box(created using InputBox function) is hidden behind web form, Pls help

I have created a inputbox for user to login when my web page(.aspx) is loaded. This is whats happening when i run the application..
Internet explorer opens up and waits before loading the web form, only to realise that my inputbox is hidden behind, so i have to drag the dialog(internet exporer) away then i can see the input/dialog box.

How do i make it appear in front of the web page.
This is my code:

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim strPasswd As String
If Not IsPostBack Then
strPasswd = InputBox("Enter the password please:")
End If
End Sub


As you can see, I could go on forever, especially about requests that ignore the server/client seperation in a website. The basic issue is, if someone has no idea what they are doing, they will agree to anything the client asks, and only later find out that what they've agreed to, is not even possible. Yet another reason to deal with professionals, not the cheapest guy who happens to have a web connection.

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